Managing destruction in your beautiful garden

Dec 20, 2023

Did you know that some trees can be destructive in their growth with roots that can damage building structures and paving? The Eugenia tree is one of them. They are wonderful to shape with trimming and pruning and look very elegant when looked after, however, if you plant them in places near buildings, visible and invisible damage can be done and it can be costly to rectify structurally.

Eugenia trees are a type of evergreen tree that is commonly found in South Africa. These trees can grow up to 100 feet tall and have a wide canopy. They make great boundary hedges, and perhaps that is the best place for them as opposed to rather close proximity to buildings. These trees are known for their destructive growth habits. They can send out roots that damage sidewalks and foundations of properties including homes and buildings. 

What can be done to address these problems?

  1. Trim overhanging branches: This will allow more sunlight to reach the lawn and help to promote grass growth.
  2. Maintenance: Regular manicuring is best and facilitates a neat façade.
  3. Plant alternative trees: There are a number of trees that are not as destructive as Eugenia trees. These trees can still provide shade and oxygen without causing damage to the surrounding environment.

If you are concerned about the impact of trees on your property, you should contact a qualified arborist. Let us tackle your tree trimmings or removals and help you upgrade your boundaries with regular maintenance. Call us for a free quote.


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